
Braces Affordable Prices: Finding Low-Cost Options in South Africa

Braces Affordable Prices: Finding Low-Cost Options in South Africa

Finding affordable braces in South Africa doesn’t have to be difficult.

By exploring different types of braces, payment options, and medical aid coverage, you can reduce the overall cost of orthodontic treatment.

Metal braces are the most affordable option, but even more discreet types like ceramic braces and Invisalign can be made affordable through flexible payment plans.

Types of Braces and Costs

  1. Metal Braces: Cost between R10,000 – R25,000. These are the most cost-effective option for orthodontic treatment. Though more visible, metal braces are highly effective for correcting alignment issues, making them a popular choice for affordability.
  2. Ceramic Braces: These braces are tooth-coloured, making them less noticeable than metal braces, but they tend to be more expensive, ranging from R20,000 to R35,000. Ceramic braces provide a balance between aesthetics and cost for those looking for a more discreet option.
  3. Invisalign: Invisalign aligners are clear, removable, and nearly invisible. While they offer superior comfort and aesthetics, Invisalign is the most expensive option, costing between R40,000 and R50,000. However, many orthodontists offer payment plans that make Invisalign more affordable over time.

Ways to Reduce Braces Costs

  1. Payment Plans: Many orthodontists in South Africa offer flexible payment plans, allowing you to spread the cost of braces over several months or even years. These plans help make more expensive options like ceramic braces and Invisalign accessible, even on a budget.
  2. Medical Aid: Some medical aid schemes offer partial coverage for orthodontic treatments, including braces. However, coverage varies depending on your plan, and it’s important to verify with your provider if braces are included.
  3. Discounts for Family Members: Many orthodontic practices offer family discounts if more than one person in the household requires braces. It’s worth inquiring about these discounts during your consultation.
  4. Compare Orthodontists: Different clinics in Pretoria may offer varying pricing for the same treatment. It’s advisable to get quotes from multiple orthodontists to find the best deal. Some clinics may also offer special promotions or discounts throughout the year.

For more guidance on affordable braces options, visit our blog on Affordable Orthodontic Care in Pretoria.

Why Choose Metal Braces for Affordability?

Metal braces remain the go-to option for affordability and effectiveness.

Despite being the most visible type of braces, they are durable, reliable, and suitable for treating even the most severe orthodontic issues.

The cost-effective nature of metal braces makes them ideal for families or individuals on a tighter budget.

Moreover, metal braces are efficient and often require less treatment time than other types, making them a cost-saving choice in the long run.

Call to Action

Are you looking for affordable braces in Pretoria?

Mac Dental Studio offers a range of orthodontic options, including metal braces, ceramic braces, and Invisalign, all with flexible payment plans to suit your budget.

Book a consultation today to explore your options and get personalized advice from our experienced team.

Visit our appointment booking page or call 012 440 1395.


What is the cheapest option for braces in South Africa?

Metal braces are the most affordable type, costing between R10,000 and R25,000. Despite their visibility, they are highly effective for a wide range of orthodontic issues.

How can I reduce the cost of braces?

Many orthodontists offer payment plans to spread the cost of treatment over time. Additionally, some medical aid plans provide partial coverage for braces.

Are there more affordable alternatives to Invisalign?

Yes, both metal braces and ceramic braces are more affordable alternatives to Invisalign. Metal braces start at R10,000, while ceramic braces typically cost R20,000 to R35,000.

Does medical aid cover the cost of braces in South Africa?

Some medical aid schemes in South Africa offer partial coverage for braces. It’s essential to check your plan to see if orthodontic treatment is included.

Can I get discounts for family members needing braces?

Yes, some orthodontic clinics offer family discounts when multiple family members require braces. Be sure to ask about available promotions or family plans during your consultation.

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