
How Long Do Braces Take?

How Long Do Braces Take?

The duration of braces treatment typically ranges between 18 months to 3 years, depending on several key factors.

Each patient’s situation is unique, and treatment times vary accordingly.

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Factors That Affect Braces Duration

1. Severity of Misalignment

  • Complex issues like significant crowding, overbites, or underbites may take longer to correct.
  • Minor alignment issues may resolve in 12-18 months, while severe cases could take closer to 3 years.

2. Type of Braces

  • Metal braces: Highly effective for severe cases, potentially shortening treatment time.
  • Ceramic braces and Invisalign: Similar treatment time, with Invisalign possibly being faster for mild cases.

3. Patient Age

  • Younger patients: Quicker results due to still-growing teeth and jaws.
  • Adults: May take longer due to denser bone structure, though differences are minimal.

4. Patient Compliance

  • Following the orthodontist’s instructions ensures a timely outcome.
  • Missed appointments, neglecting rubber bands, or poor oral hygiene can extend treatment time.

5. Spacing or Crowding Issues

  • Significant gaps or severe crowding may extend the duration of treatment.

Stages of Braces Treatment

1. Initial Alignment (3-6 months)

  • During this phase, braces gradually start aligning the teeth and correcting the bite. You’ll notice your teeth shifting into better positions.

2. Bite Correction (6-12 months)

  • The bite correction phase ensures your upper and lower jaws are properly aligned, which is key for a healthy, functional bite.

3. Finishing and Retention (3-6 months)

  • This phase involves fine-tuning the alignment, ensuring teeth are perfectly positioned. After braces are removed, retainers are worn to maintain the results.

How to Shorten Braces Treatment Time

  • Maintain Regular Orthodontic Visits: Keeping up with scheduled check-ups allows your orthodontist to make necessary adjustments, ensuring treatment stays on track.
  • Wear Elastics or Rubber Bands: If your orthodontist prescribes elastics, wearing them consistently helps move your teeth faster and ensures timely progress.
  • Practice Good Oral Hygiene: Proper care reduces the risk of complications like cavities or gum disease, which can delay treatment.
  • Avoid Damaging Braces: Eating hard or sticky foods can damage brackets or wires, requiring repairs that extend treatment time.

For more tips on speeding up treatment, consult our orthodontic care guide.

Call to Action

Are you considering braces and wondering how long your treatment will take? Mac Dental Studio offers personalized orthodontic care tailored to your needs. Book a consultation today by visiting our appointment booking page or call 012 440 1395 to get started on your journey to a perfect smile.


How long does it take to see results with braces?

You can start seeing noticeable changes in your teeth within 3-6 months, though the full treatment may take 18 months to 3 years.

Can treatment time be shorter with Invisalign?

For mild to moderate cases, Invisalign may offer a slightly shorter treatment time compared to traditional braces, especially if worn diligently.

What happens if I don’t follow my orthodontist’s instructions?

Failure to wear elastics, skipping appointments, or not following care guidelines can prolong treatment and even reverse progress.

Do younger patients finish braces treatment faster?

Yes, younger patients often see faster results because their teeth and jaws are still developing, making adjustments easier and quicker.

Will I need a retainer after braces?

Yes, most patients will need to wear a retainer after braces to ensure their teeth stay in their new positions.

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